A quote from a source unknown to me:
"The universe responds to your frequency. It doesn't recognize your personal desires, wants or needs. It only understands the frequency in which you are vibrating at. For example; if you are vibrating in the frequency of fear, guilt or shame you are going to attract things of a similar vibration. If you are vibrating in the frequency of love, joy and abundance, you are going to attract things that support that frequency. It's kinda like tuning into a radio station. You have to be tuning into the music you want to listen to just like you have to be tuned into the energy you want to manifest into your life. Change your mindset, it will change your life."
If you think that sounds a lot like the matrix, try this on for size:
"The Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates - everything is vibrating at one speed or another. Nothing rests. Everything you see around you is vibrating at one frequency or another, and so are you. However, your frequency is different from other things in the universe and that´s why it seems like you are separated from what you see around you; people, animals, plants, trees and so on. In truth you are not separated - you are in fact living in an ocean of energy - as we all are. We are all connected at the lowest level - a level professor John Hagelin calls The Unified Field. Everything has its own vibrational frequency - the table - the car - the picture frame - the rock - even our thoughts and feelings. It is all governed by The Law of Vibration." (quoted from https://www.one-mind-one-energy.com/Law-of-vibration.html)
But, what about a hypothesis capable of being tested as it would apply to the paranormal?
IMHO, when applied to the paranormal, the best that can be hoped for being tested is simply by "trying it on for size." A common factor in paranormal investigation is "fear." It's always sitting there in the back of our subconscious, waiting for the trigger(s) that activate it in us. The most commonly shared triggers are night, darkness, known folklore and experiencer testimonies. It's more easily said than done, when it comes to dispelling our fear(s). But, have you tried it? When doing a paranormal investigation, have you faced your fear(s) head on with confidence, or do you face them only with hope? You might find how closely this ties into the above quote, those below, and in my own experience, actually works!
Too many believed paranormal "truths" seem to have been borne of what is known as the "Raven Paradox." This involves what counts toward evidence found in support of a hypothesis. If you take just about any ghost hunting device in existence today, and analyze its claimed capabilities by ghost hunters vs the manufacturer's claims, you will get a good picture of what evidence of the paranormal is. What is lacking at this point is what is known as the "Bayesian Inference," with its own limitations, a process that allows for reevaluation of alleged evidence that will allow solidifying belief in a hypothesis or establish a path for less regard for it. (Note: this does not dispel the hypothesis).
This leads me to the theme of this article. In simplest terms, we ourselves are responsible for attracting our shadow people, apparitions, EVP and electromagnetic anomalies, whether allegedly real or imagined. What leads one to investigate the possibility for the existence of spirits in our physical realm? What are you seeking? What is your ultimate goal? Better yet, after all that you have seen and heard about the paranormal, what has objectively been gained from it? If your investigations are simply for validation of what has been claimed by those who have gone before you, by all means, have some harmless fun. It's your own business, time and money. Looking for deeper meanings, or a methodological progression towards seriously answering the many questions posed in a paranormal investigation, involves different and new hypotheses to be explored. The ones being perpetuated have gotten us nowhere but for making for good TV entertainment.
In a recent discussion with my Canjun Medicine Man friend, Omolkhua, he had this to say to a friend of his, about fear as it applies to what he calls the "unseen":
"As you stand against the storm, make sure your roots are rooted deep and well founded. Believe in yourself, not what others tell you. This is YOUR journey, not theirs. What others do not understand does not mean you accept their definition of what should be. If you dwell on just the physical, then that is the world you live in. But, there are two worlds in one. Not always will "they" appear, but do not fear what you do not understand. They live in their own realm and you do not see them. They see you all the time. You have been molded in a society where if something is different, it's wrong. If it's dark and spooky with strange sounds, it's something to be afraid of, just because you do not understand it. Again, do not trust them. They are not to be trusted. Afraid, yes. But the bravery comes from within. Do not fear them! Do not give them power! Do not give them your medicine! They are bound by our will when they break the laws of the Creator. If you tell them to show themselves, they will. You just have to be able to capture them, and normally smoke will do the trick." (zoom in on the pic and decide for yourself - pareidolia... yes or no)
These comments are also summed up in this quote by award winning author Emily Maroutian: "Energy is the currency of the universe. When you 'pay' attention to something, you buy that experience... Be selective in your focus because your attention feeds the energy of it and keeps it alive. Not just within you, but in the collective consciousness as well."
Also, this quote from L. Deshene of Oglala Lakota/Yurok descent: "You don't need to change your negative thoughts. You just need to change how you engage with them. Observe them, choose not to believe them, and let them naturally pass like the clouds in the sky. They will pass. They always do."
In summation, there is much that is unexplained in what is called the "paranormal." I don't claim the paranormal does exist. I don't claim that it doesn't. Too many questions are left unanswered and more are created each day. I do know from personal experience that ridding oneself of personal fears contributes to a totally different perspective when investigating the paranormal. The following quote from "Bashar" conveys the intention of my opinion:
"Physical reality is a mirror. If you're looking in a mirror and see the reflection frowning, you don't yell at the reflection to smile. You don't go over to the mirror and try to force the reflection to smile. That won't work. But if you smile, the mirror has no choice but to smile back."
- MoonJoey